Strategic Goal 1: Contributing towards development of more sustainable civil society, governmental and business sectors
Strategic Directions to SG 1:
1.1. Programs for grant support of civil society
1.2. Strengthening the capacities of Civic Society Organizations
1.3. Civil society development initiatives
1.4. Capacity development of Public Administration’s employees and Programs for Organizational empowerment of state and public institutions on local and central levels
1.5. Development of enterprise capacities in RM
1.6. Development of the Social Entrepreneurship concept
Strategic Goal 2: Philanthropy and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) development
Strategic Directions to SG 2:
2.1. Development of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
2.2. Development of Individual Philanthropy
2.3. Support to organizations and institutions in resource mobilization from local sources
2.4. Improvement of philanthropy development related legislation
Strategic Goal 3: Local community development
Strategic Directions to SG 3:
3.1. Integrated local community development
3.2. Increase of citizens’ participation in the development of communities’ specific areas
3.3. Development of local level capacities to support the decentralization process